Or so it would seem. But then wouldn't you expect nearly same representation from both sexes in almost all fields, including science and technology? I'm leaving out construction works or similar manual labour jobs for now...firstly because men do have more muscle power than women in general and secondly because I have very limited experience of that domain.

Is it really then the stereotype difference between a male brain and a female one? That the one is tuned for science and the other for humanities? Well, complete absurd as it is, it is in fact is the main factor; not because it is true, but because the society to a large extent still believes it to be true.
Even in egalitarian Sweden, there are distinctly different girls' toys and boys' toys. In day care centers little girls dress up like princess and boys as warriors. Often boys and girls play in different groups in the pre-schools.This society determined gender stereotypes continue in schools and to universities where girls are expected to enroll in certain departments and boys in others.
Progressive Swedish doesn't say those "girly tastes" are bad, but still maintain that two sexes are "suited" for different things. So women continue to overwhelmingly outnumber men in HR or accounts departments where as men dominate in techie jobs. And since none is considered better or worse than the other, there is no conscious effort or need from any quarter to change it.
Not a true feminist Utopia, is it?
So you admit that Sweden is the best in the world on women's issues, yet you end the article with a childishly passive aggressive "Not a true feminist utopia, is it?" REALLY? As a Swedish woman, I've never felt oppressed even in the slightest, I've had every opportunity as the men I grew up along side with. Different genders and different personalities simply pursue different careers. Not sure what you want the Swedish nation to do, change a person's natural preferences? Women do what they want to do, they are encouraged to get involved in the maths and the sciences, yet it's is just a field naturally dominated by men. It's not oppressive, it's just a fact. We dominate fields that are just as important, like healthcare, human resources, and teaching. And we are on a equal playing field in Swedish politics, unlike many nations. This article was just bad, you make it sound like nothing with ever be good enough to be your "Feminist Utopia", well we didn't ask for your approval nor do we ever need it.
A Happy, Equal Swedish Woman
Thanks! Your comments summarizes what I wanted to say! You " think" certain areas are naturally male or female, which is a stereotype I feel needs to be changed to achieve true equality.
Yes, Sweden is better than many other countries (Sub Saharan Africa, for instance) but there are room for improvements. And I am not alone here, a lot of Swedish women in male dominated scientific or technological worlds admit it ( actually they are far more critical of the system than I have been here)
Good that you are happy yourself, it's very important for any individual. But don't speak for all " Swedish women". There are other points of view admiring which should come naturally to any egalitarian society.
I do agree with what Hutom Pyancha said.
Give me a break! The genders are different. Why are you twisting this into some sort of negative? What is wrong with accepting that different hormones flowing through bodies (in addition to numerous physical differences) is somehow wrong? The inate differences are what make us interesting. Check your logic. It does not amount to gender inequality.
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